IMAGE; Dream journal entry 12-9-2019, Renee Brown
Title - "Journal display"
While discussing possible ways of exhibitng my dream journal archives with Advisor M Bowdidge he recommended laying them all out on wall. I told him of the above dream I had in 12-9-2019 " Journal display", where an exhibit of my journals and ''other things" was depicted. The journal pages were individually displayed in a grid like position in clear boxes that were lit on wall.There we're 2 walls of them in the dream.
I intend to follow and be directed by this dream in creating installation for mfa thesis project.
Dr Bowdidge also advised; an animation or video of the various rock sketches thru the years.
post advisor 11/25/22 M Bowdidge
to do;
- post all rock sketches (blog) collage
-post dream entire journal exhibit 2019
-Research JW Dunne (blog)
-Precognitive dreams, in simple terms, are any dreams that give you information about the future you wouldn’t otherwise have.
-describe similarities in my practice and Dunn
John William Dunne (2 December 1875 – 24 August 1949) was a British soldier, aeronautical engineer and philosopher.
The first of his theoretical works, An Experiment with Time (1927), suggested that each of us may access the future while sleeping, and proposed a theory of ‘serial time’ to account for this capacity. Dunne urged training in dream precognition in order to develop neglected powers of humanity, and to prepare for ‘new conditions’ of the afterlife. Serialism was further articulated in The Serial Universe (1934), The New Immortality (1938), Nothing Dies (1940) and Intrusions (1955). An Experiment with Time and The Serial Universe were reviewed with cautious interest in British science journals such as Nature and Discovery,
-The most distinctive features that correlates my art practice to JW Dunne's is in reception and recording of dreams that tell the future. Precognitive dreams, in simple terms, are any dreams that give you information about the future you wouldn’t otherwise have. Like Dunne I have recorded my dream and the literal or metaphoric interpretation of that phenomena has occured .like Dunne i believe there is a 4th dimension , however
The following are examples of dreams that I believe to be precognitive which I have responded to through artmaking:
Fall of the European landmarks 2012
In 2012, I dreamed of the collapse of many European landmarks (a vision in a dream). I saw the various Landmarks crumble into the ground.
This image was painted in 2012. It is included in “Dreamscapes” a collection of 40 paintings inspired from my dream journals,
Dreamscapes the book:by Renee Brow

Collapse of European Landmarks, 2016 Renee Brown
MH370 vision
On March 9,2014 I dreamed I was inside the cockpit of the missing flight. The day after it went missing.
I was sitting behind the pilot on the right side of the the cockpit. I could see the back of the captains head only, he was wearing a captains hat and out fit resembling the captain on Gilligans island. He navigated the plane thru the rocky shore of an island, it was raining and dark the wind was blowing what looked like long stringy tropical leaves to the left.
I awoke…..
You never forget visions
Dreams can be like disappearing ink
MH370 Final resting place,2018 Renee Brown

"Warning" 2014 Renee Brown

By products of my practice.( Rock sketching loosening up)
i draw pages of rocks to loosen up before I approach art making....rb
The following are sketches of rocks that I do prior to entering into my artmaking . I practice drawing rocks that I saw in a dream in 2022 the process loosens my hand which releases and connects myinner person to artmaking sometimes revealing future events. I will not enter the artmaking phase if I have not practiced drawing many pages of rock drawings....

more rock sketches will be coming to complete 2012-2022 archive
BYRNES-OUTLINE Nov. intensive
post- Bowdidge, Benson advice 11/30/22
Outline Topic or Title:
“Rock drawings entry point”/ "Rock dream"
inquiry as a research method.
A very challenging aspects of studying creative processes is that artists, can have complex thoughts and beliefs about their own way of working.
Drawing, like dancing, is an exploratory, sense-making process where the observer, and the thing or idea observed, are inextricably bound together in a physical, material space/time relationship
I would like to investigate my access to a multidimensional reality when drawing rocks, which can be coined as a byproduct of my practice.
I intend to draw the observer into a keener perception of the scope of my personal methodology thru the years
as they observe my rock archive. In doing this I will take note and bring out my observing and connecting with the rock for an inner sense of grounding after repetitive practice I am then able relelease what is flowing through my inner being into my mark making. After time and observation I am able to see into my rock sketches and perceive multiple perceptions of possible realities.
What is it you want to do: What are the key things (3 maximum) that you would like to develop in your studio practice through research – this will give you an idea of your topic area.
What I want to do;
3 installation components for art installation;
1.- video/ animation visually depict how I practice using the practice of sketching rocks which are the by-product of a loosening up method of sketching rocks as a portal into abstraction and seeing non linear phenomena (past, present, future)
(sketches of rocks from 2012-present) /overlay of coinciding world events
2.-Wall of rock sketches/journal entries with light, as depicted in dream journal
3.3 canvas paintings that are depicted in my journal during mfa process which unfold nightly as I follow direction and interpret my dream my dream life.
Paintings will be inclusive of symbols and text depicting meaning to artist
How are you going to undertake this research? Give a maximum of 3 things you would look at (e.g artists work, and theory you want to look into, an aspect of your practice you want to know more about/put into context) – this will give you an idea of where and what to start researching
Artist research- 3 things to investigate;
Comparative analysis of Dunne, Jung Freuds dream analysis techniques and my metaphoric dream analysis .
J Dunn art precognition theoryserialism
Jungian dream interpretation theory
Freud's dream analysis theory
Rocks as being sacred in various cultures.(tie this in???
non linear effect of dreams