November 2022 dreams/Dream Journal entries.

In my dream on 11/1/22 remember seeing a vision of mount Denali divided into platelets in my journal sketch I  attempt to recreate the vision(etched in my minds eye of what I saw. (i forsee a painting but must commit to practice and (See) ..


11/19/22,rb- I can't inwardly release the  Denali dream "shift",

I believe it is a precognitive dream that reveals future phenomena and events.


November 2022 journal entries (reception)

Reception process-

Upon awakening I visualize what I remember seeing in my dream. I then proceed to think out the sequential narrative of the dream from beginning to end. Often i can only remember the end of dream which is usually the essence/intent of what has been revealed.



11/2/22 "coming apart" SHIFT


Metaphoric dream analysis


focus one of two mountains

sub focus plates of rock(dark grey)

sub focus =placement of rock plates/fit like puzzle piece

sub focus =area separating rock plates /white substance

sub focus=another mountain (whole)




Mountain    elevation of earth surface rising/

rockplates      underlying from tetonic plate shift

( All mountains are formed by the movement of tectonic plates, which lie under the Earth's crust and upper mantle (the layer just below the crust). When tectonic plates move )… the plates move like that, changes happen in the geography of the world. 

white area    shift a change of position to held together by white




US election primaries upcoming  11/8/22

Economy high, abortion main  on ballot

control of congress shift (11/2/22) to possibly republican



interpretation- I percieve an upcoming  shift geographically world wide and politically

. RB 11.7.22










I cancelled attending the instensive  due to a family issue.

I am so saddened I could not make it. The whatsup app texts

in their temporal way made me feel connected and know I was

missing intensely something great: It was not meant for me to be there the day the intensive began my city Buffalo NY was shutdown because of snow  storm up to 8ft. I would have been stuck in NYC.

Because I was not able to physically attend the  NYC intensive I read thru the given reading assignments and will respond accordingly with these ancedotals:



What does indecencia/indecency mean to you?

r-Something contrary to community standard. Offensive, improper to a people group.

How do you usually experience art in a gallery context?

r-Usually by viewing in context to placement in history and reviewing choice pieces  over a period of time. Also looked upon as lesser than by the art's community.


How do you hope others experience your work?

I would  desire my viewers  acknowledge the uniqueness and conditions of my background in my making of  art  which has coalesced with my spiritual development of 20 or more years and informs my praxis. 


What is indecent about your work or artistic praxis?

Dream interpretation which directs my practice (I interpret and follow what the say.9It riles those full of worldly knowledge because it is a language of another world)  which can be unearthing , brutally honest and offensive  if accurately interpreted.


How do you engage indecency out in the world?

I receive various views of indecency thru my personal filter which is open ended and non judgemental 





1.I thought that Nicolás Dumit Estévez Healing station truly test the bounds of how gallery space can be imploded and resurrected. I also appreciated his connection and eventual collaboration with Arthur Aviles. I am heartened at Avils passion to bring back and express thru dance the complexities of all relationships to an often time overlooked part of society/community.

2.Arantxa Araujo- I took special notice  and appreciate  the way she expressed meditations focused on presence, that notice surroundings and external context, slowly moving inward to create awareness of our physical, affective, cognitive and vibrational bodies The video immersion techniques are effective in  bringing the viewer into her present and surroundings and moving inwardly. This was my first time taking notice of how effective the use of video is in revealing inner realities.


3.In the Latinex project Nao Bustamantes Bloom installation releases the power of theatrical metaphor, (I find this most helpful as I work thru how to release metaphors in my practice) she is aware that notions of looking and perceiving are a process and can take on varying views , causing the viewer to think thru her process. I am able to see in this installation the relevance of art research as a laboratory or place of testing and exploration and investigation. I relate to her approach.



I truly wish I COULD HAVE EXPERIENCED THE VARIOUS EXPRESSIONS OF KNOTTING MESHED . This is my first exposure to this type of recording and writing (stunning)!

A quipu (khipu) was a method used by the Incas and other ancient Andean cultures to keep records and communicate information using string and knots. In the absence of an alphabetic writing system, this simple and highly portable device achieved a surprising degree of precision and flexibility.

RESEARCH CONTEXT OF PRACTICE (to review with DR Bowdidge)11-25-22

After reviewing the following Artist  I am drawn to investigate

their varying views in recieving and Interpreting 4th dimension phenomena thru dreams and there choice of creative expression.


Vassily Kandinsky-

A Study in the Spiritualism of Kandinsky and the Genesis of  Theosophy and esotericism as essential to understanding Kandinsky’s abstract paintings


JW Dunne -The first of the theoretical works, An Experiment with Time (1927), suggested that each of us may access the future while sleeping, and proposed a theory of ‘serial time’ to account for this capacity. Dunne urged training in dream precognition in order to develop neglected powers of humanity, and to prepare for ‘new conditions’ of the afterlife. Serialism was further articulated in The Serial Universe (1934), 



: By 1896, Hilma af Klint was meeting regularly with a group of four other women who sought to pursue a meaningful spiritual path via prayer, Bible study, and séances. The Five, or in Swedish, De Fem, as the women called themselves, believed that they communicated with beings of higher consciousness whom they called guides or High Masters.

Entering trance states, or using a device called a psychograph, which purportedly recorded psychic transmissions, the women documented the messages they received through automatic drawing and automatic writing. These methods, normal in spiritualist circles of the era, required the receiver to set aside conscious thought and trust in the message being conveyed. The receiver would then let the hand move freely to express whatever imagery or words came to mind.

Full of rhythmic and repetitive markings, The Five’s drawings show the women developing receptivity to a world of original imagery and abstract forms




C Burchfield-

Apr 13, 2018 - Jul 29, 2018Charles Burchfield wrote in his essay, "50 Years as a Painter," that he thought of the year 1915 as the true beginning of his art career[i]. Around the same time in Switzerland, Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961) began to compile what would later be known as TheRed Book.  

Starting in 1912 Carl Jung had a series of disturbing dreams that led to what he described as a “confrontation with the unconscious.[ii]” Visions of death and destruction, and rivers of blood led to a feeling of disorientation and concerns about a “psychic disturbance” within himself. In order to process the visions he consciously submitted himself to the impulses of his unconscious, which led him to an analysis of his childhood memories. During the summer of 1917, Burchfield was chiefly concerned with recording “childhood impressions.” He wrote in a manuscript later in life that “The summer of 1917 was (in retrospect) a long dream-like one, much of the time was given over to the re-creation of childhood memories and moods.”

Throughout his career Burchfield recorded more than a hundred dreams in his journals. He also created thousands of doodles which he called “a form of subconscious thinking in visual terms.” He went on to say that some of his most useful abstract motifs came from the practice. Carl Jung, while serving in the military during World War I in 1917, drew a series of twenty-seven mandalas in pencil in his army notebook. These drawings would later inspire the paintings that fill The Red Book, known to him as Liber Novus.

[i] Burchfield, Charles. CB: His Golden Year; a retrospective exhibition of watercolors, oils, and graphics. Tucson: University of Arizona Press, 1965, pg. 15.

[ii] Jung, C. G. Memories, dreams, reflections. New York, NY: Vintage Books, 1965, pg. 178.



Tacita Dean-

Working “blind”, as she calls it, is virtually a mantra for Dean, and one that manifests in diverse ways. 

  • Dean’s subjects typically arrive via a winding road of research full of unanticipated diversion and accident. She is motivated by curiosity, by her not knowing rather than by her predetermined intention. “I’ve always liked her lateralism – the way she comes at things,” Tim Marlow tells me. “If there’s a straight path between one point and another, she’ll question why it’s necessary to take that journey, and will find a different way to it, and will find interesting things along the way.”


Shaping my research-

11/25/22 My interest-

- The way these artist go about recieving and  recording there reception of imagery for there art practice( dreams, sketches,


-how they are or are not influenced by contemporay theorist of there time.

- the modes in which they chose to express










Share how far along you are in your program and when this work was made/noticed/realized as being important to your body of research. 

I am awaiting another advisor so that i can move ahead and coalesce my journals with my body of research.


MY CHOSEN PIECE for sharing practice:


The massive size of Tacita Deans Chalk drawings will greatly influence my practice moving ahead.

I am currently enlarging and working on (Mt.Denali , Shift} 5x6ft canvas.

It is a dream I recorded while investigating rocks, mountains dated dream journal 11/2/22

as i follow my dreams for the Transart MFA 2022

In her Massive drawing she is able to bring together her daily reality into her artmaking process which has caused me to rethink my approach to recording what I inwardly receive in dreams and  hear while I am making art.)

As i create, slowly, pensively before releasing lines and marks that I have seen in my night season. (which I am directed nightly to do

as I transition from here to over there(abstraction)/ 4th dimension.