Revised research proposal and annotated bibliography


    3/6/23                                                                                                                                          Renee Brown


What is the effect of precognitive  dream directives  in artmaking


There are various ways precognitive dreams and visions inform my art practice. In this proposal I will reflexively research and demonstrate my art praxis which is informed by my dream life and visions.

I choose to ask and answer a question that has been a vitally important part of my art praxis for the last two decades. My proposal question is What is the effect of precognitive dream directives in my art making.

 It is my desire that the reader better understand the totality of my approach, methodology and ideology which I Intend to contextualize and historically explain in the final proposal. For the purpose of this proposal I will reflexively research the effect of following precognitive dream directives and allowing these directive to flow into my creative expression.

A precognitive dream reveals understanding about future phenomena that can’t be inferred from actual available information, and a directive is seen as something that impels toward action through a process. I intend to elucidate the effect of directives which I receive in precognitive dreams which greatly inform and  guide my art praxis.  I will explain my journey and how my art practice methodology has evolved from years of personal interpretive dream analysis application. It should be noted that My interest in precognitive dreams arose long before my encounter with the work of JW Dunne who I will provide comparison and analysis to alongside my own practice throughout this discourse. I am finding my art practice methods to be very much in dialogue with and expand upon the serialist theorist JW Dunne. 

 Therefore, In the reflexive analysis of this proposal I will capture what has been happening in my dream life (the content) since the beginning the mfa Transart program2022. In my proposed case study I will breakdown the process in which I receive, record and interpret precognitive dreams later in this proposal. The content of the practice portion of my research is being informed and shown in my dreams. The relevance of my considerations regarding direction is shown in time (dates of journal entries) and in the sequence of directions given in my dreams.

In the framework of this paper I will point out the dialogue between my dream analysis methodology and that of the theorist JW Dunne. Which will point to a need for expanding further investigation into the field analysis.

In the research component I will historically provide a general overview of 20th century artist Wassily Kandinsky, Hilma of Klimt, Charles Burchfield, the surrealist movement and contemporary  artist exploring their nocturnal life. I will infer thru out where my practice contextually sits.

As a case study I propose to carefully analyze and breakdown meaning of my dreams, my personal dream analysis methodology, and response to directives revealed in the eight subsequent  selected  dream journal entries will reveal reference and direction  to the initial dream journal entry  titled “Shift”11/2/22 I will point out  how my methodology sits in context to the serialist theory of JW Dunne, when understanding precognitive dreams this is where new knowledge will arise.

In the case study I will highlight the directives from the 8 precognitive dreams which are in dialogue with my JW Dunne’s serialism theory. I will show how Dunne’s serialist theory supports my methodology and How my art praxis supports and expands Dunne’s serialism theory. 

As I frame this reflexively informed question around the  dream journal entry case study , I will include explain and give an in depth analysis of my dream analysis process of each journal entries. It will demonstae within itself the reality of a fourth dimension that is relevant to JW Dunne’s serialist theory. W Kandinsky and Hilma of Klimt where its recorded she had a precognitive dream toward the end of her life.

To explore the issue of the effect of precognitive dreams in my art praxis I will use as a case study, what has been happening in my dream journal since beginning the Transart MFA program 9/2022.  I will do this by giving explanation and a breakdown of 8 subsequent precognitive dream journal entries that refer to a dream I received Nov 2, 2022 titled “Shift”. I will trace these dated journal entries thru time, a breakdown and give understanding to the mechanics of my  dream analysis and interpretive process. I will offer similarities and difference and contextualize how my dream analysis process  agrees, disagree’s or expands in practice  JW Dunn’s serialist theory. I will recommend how my dream analysis approach can lead to more expansive research and new knowledge.


An experiment with time

JW Dunne - 2022 - … find it equally impossible to discover in their dreams any clear suggestion of precognition. …

A theology of abstraction: Wassily Kandinsky's 'Concerning the Spiritual in Art'

C Pickstone - Theology, 2011 -

… ‘spiritual’ nature of abstract painting particularly interesting. This article reviews the quasi-theological
claims Kandinsky … by a mystical ‘inner need’15) to express the ‘spiritual’ nature of …

Surrealist cinema: Politics, history, and the language of dreams

S Flitterman-Lewis - American Imago, 1993 - JSTOR

… The total cinematic output of Surrealism is actually dwarfed by the sheer volume of painting,
… the Surrealist movement. The existence, however, of such a small number of truly Surrealist …

The Outside Looking In, The Inside Looking Out

C Steen - Sculpture Review, 2022 -

… We cannot hear paintings or touch music,” claim Marina … As noted Burchfield scholar Nancy
Weekly wrote, “in 1917 a … In summary, most artists work from an idea, a dream, a desired …

[PDF] Hilma af Klint: The Medium of Abstraction

BA Midavaine - 2015 -

… Hilma af Klint’s works and photographs are all owned by Stiftelsen Hilma af Klints Verk
and the Hilma af Klint Archives. … Modern scholarship on Hilma af Klint's

 The wilderness of dreams: Exploring the religious meanings of dreams in modern western culture

GE BULKLEY - 1992 -

… of dreams and religious meaning in the modern West. I believe that the study of dreams can
… of the nature of religion in modern Western culture. As a descriptive enterprise, this work will …

Oppenheim, A. L. (1956). The interpretation of dreams in the Ancient Near East: With a translation of an Assyrian dream-book. Transactions of the American Philosophical Society, 46 (3), 179-373

Journal of Scientific Exploration, Vol. 21, No. 4, pp. 707-722, 2007 0892-33 10107 Explorations in Precognitive Dreaming  Dale E Graff



Installation: Video

 Case study project/process sheet panel component, diagram

Goal: Will show how and why i see connections and  allow directives in precognitive dreams to inform my practice unlike anyone else in the art field hs this similar approach.Thus  bringing about new knowledge in the field of dream analysis.


Demonstrate my art process by selecting three canvas sheets size 11X17”  for each journal entry.

Sheet one- The original dream  journal entry.

Sheet two I will diagram the entire dream from journal entry (which depicts my thinking process when applying my dream analysis methodology which is a diagram that is mapped.

Sheet three- i will highlight the element from each dream journal entry that gives directive and informs  ‘Shift’. AIso  by mapping diagram, I will  depict how the meaning of the directive element is interpreted. literally or metaphorically. connects to interpretation which brings about new knowledge in the field of dream analysis,



Dissemination Workshop, April 2023

Procedure: 1.Show video of case study of “ Four Dream journal entries” That refer to  “Shift”.

                      2.question and answer with viewers

Question to advisors.Should I do a public online presentation zoom with facebook invitation or is the crit group sufficient for dissemination. Would you like to participate in any way.


Practice Project: (working on acquiring date and venue)

My purpose for the following installation is to depict how I sequentially receive, record, get direction and follow my dreams in my artmaking process. After being directed to go back in a dream during this proposed time period, I reviewed and reflected on all of my journaled dream entries.

In the installation component, I propose to use the dreams that refer to “shift” received 11/2/22 which have occurred in my journal during this case study period inclusive of visions during afternoon naps, since beginning Transart MFA  9/28/22 .There have been apx 20 to date. I have selected eight dream entries that infer direction for the “Shift” dream.  It is my intention is to activate the audience to  search out and embrace a sensitivity and desire to explore and investigate meaning in the language of the night season released in dreams.




Display-Painting titled  “Shift, 4x7’  inspired from dream received 11/2/22


Wall of 8 clear encased journal entries of precognitive dreams which are directed toward “Shift”

Video- I will demonstrate in process; video the sequence of directions I recieved

               Example: a. Image of dream journal entry

  1. image of directive elements in each dream (highlighted)
  2. application to being directive to painting process (mapping)


output-  interpretation of project to viewer is  open ended     






Final annotated bibliography-(revised proposal) 3/11/23

Renee Brown


JW Dunne last updated;1/202319:02, 26 January 2023‎ Steelpillow talk contribs

This article gives an account of JW Dunne’s biography, military ,aeronautics and later life. It also includes Dunne’s work on dry fishing, dreams and serialism. It includes all of his publications inclusive of An experiment with time (1927) which includes his account of the theory serial time. Dunne’s theory on serialism and precognitive dreams offers the same lens in which I have built my art praxis on over the last two decades which will be most useful to my research topic.  Our perspectives are supportive one of another in defining a fourth dimension. However I have question about his thoughts on infinite regress which I will layout in my final thesis. I will also compare my dream analysis methodology to Dunne’s theory on serialism and precognitive dreams and time. Which I believe will add knowledge to the field of dream analysis.



Wassily Kandinsky

The writer of Kandinsky’s book Concerning the spiritual in art” was MTH Sadler, a British novelist, book collector, and the 1st art collector of the work of Wassily Kandinsky. Whom he met through his father, which led to Sadler translating into English in 1914 “Concerning the spiritual in art.”

This article gives a biographical overview of Kandinsky’s life and periods of development of his art practice. The article emphasizes Kandinsky’s  relationship to Music  becoming a transformative force in his art; I find his depiction of  forms being metaphors for musical force interesting, and I will better create a general comparison to with my art practice methodology and use of forms. I find also Kandinskys idea of inner necessities in the “Concerning the Spiritual in art”. in dialogue with my own art practice. However he to is influenced by theosophy which I have question with. His message is also captured in this article, it states, Kandinsky couldn’t be more prophetic for our modern age, an era beguiled by consumerist culture and lost in a spiralling descent into a simulacrumian abyss: I also find this article useful to my research because it highlights many points akin to my thinking , but not all.


Hilma Klimt


This article gives the bibliography, background and overview of the life and art practice of Klimt. It speaks to her contrast from her contemporaries, the influence of spiritualism in her work. She was like many early 19th century artist’s and theorist. Klimt was influenced by Blavatsky’s theosophy.  In my thesis I will offer my position seeing God as creator in comparison to theosophy. This article is pertinent to my research and practice  because I can historically track and comparatively analyze Klimt’s use of spiritualism in art, along with Kandinsky’s inner necessities with my own practice of the spirituality in art making. I will   bring out  the minimal use of precognitive dreams in there artmaking.

I will analyze how Klimt spiritually received direction with my practice,as I receive  precognitive direction in dreams. (Note. I have only found one reference to Klimt’s use of a precognitive dreams which was during the end of her life predicting a train crash)




Charles Burchfield


Charles Burch field eloquently wrote and journaled his dreams and as inspiration in his art making.

This article gives his mention of his life, process and art periods. Inclusive of his early, middle, and late periods. What I find interesting his to my research is Burchfield later works when, he returned to the preoccupations of the early work, incorporating the painting skills he had mastered during his middle period (which he eventually saw as a "diversion" from his true path), and developed large, hallucinatory renditions of nature captured in swirling strokes, heightened colors and exaggerated forms. In his writings he expressed an aim to depict an earlier era in the history of human consciousness when man saw gods and spirits in natural objects and forces. In my thesis I will further examine his spiritual space during this period, and in his practice how he received inspiration for the force behind his brush strokes, in comparison to the precognitive dream directives given me in my current dream practice.



Surrealist movement,in%20solving%20all%20the%20principal%20problems%20of%20life.

This article describes Surrealism as a cultural movement .The founding of the movement, Surrealist manifestoes, influences on other art movements. This article is useful for me to pinpoint the origins of metaphysical art in the 20th century. Images that are dreamlike. In  relation to my research I  will explain my literally following precognitive dream directives in my practica and the practice of metaphysical artist’s imagining imagery.


Podcast- art of social change

This information gives a historical breadth of information on the beginning of dream interpretation and its role in various cultures  to current contemporary  artist that are working with there nocturnal life in their art making. In my research it will give historical overview of dream interpretation. I will compare my dream analysis methodology to an current practicing contemporary artist who robotically records brain waves during dreams.



Case study Practice

8 Dream journal entries 8/21/23 to present

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